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Objects & Prototypes#

Cafe has only one construct: object!#

Cafe has only one construct: object, there is no concept of class. Every Object has a prototype property pointing to another object. This prototype object has its own prototype , and so on this chain continues till the prototype of the object becomes null.


All objects in cafe are usually an instance of DynamicObject, which is at the root of the prototype chain. Functions are also an instance of DynamicObject.

Behavioral Delegation#


In cafe, delegation is the process of referring to the prototype for a property which is absent in the object which is looked upon.

Object.delegate(object) is used to create a new object using an existing object as the prototype of the newly created object.

var a = { hi: “hi” };
var b = Object.delegate(a);
b.x = 10;
b.y = 11;
cmd.println(b); # {x:10,y:11,__proto__:a}
cmd.println(b.x); # check if x is present in b. If yes, return x.
property hi is not found in b. Thus,b.__proto__ is checked.
b.__proto__ is a. a contains the property hi. Thus, hi is returned.
property z is not present in b, so check in b.__proto__.
B.__proto__ also doesnt have property z.So, further continuing to search in chain.
B.__proto__.__proto__ is DynamicObject.prototype and it doesnt contain z.
B.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__ is null. Thus, stop searching. This will throw an exception at runtime.

In any class-oriented programming, objects are copies of a class. In Cafe, no copies are made. Rather, objects end up linked to each other via an internal __proto__ chain. Thus, "delegation" is a more appropriate term, because these relationships are not copies but delegation links.



Whenever a function is called, this variable is passed by default as the first argument implicitly. Functioning of this, what value it points to, can be understood with the help of function call-site. Call-site is the location in code where a function is called (not where it's declared). We must inspect the call-site to answer the question: what's this this a reference to?

func foo() {
cmd.print( this.a );
var a = 2;
foo(); # callsite
# prints 2

When foo is called, the this is set to the global module scope. Thus, when foo is invoked, this.a refers to module’s a variable. This is called the default this binding.

Implicit Binding#

Implicit binding occurs when dot notation is used to invoke a function.

func foo() {
cmd.println( this.a );
var obj = {
a: 2,
foo: foo
};; # callsite
# prints 2

Here, foo is invoked as a property of an obj. Thus, this points to obj when the function is called. This is called implicit this binding.